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Discover the Natural Wonders of Gozo

Gozo, the sister island of Malta, is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage. From dramatic cliffs to hidden caves, Gozo offers a variety of natural sites that captivate visitors and divers alike.


Xwejni Salt Pans

The Xwejni Salt Pans, located near Marsalforn, are a series of square shapes cut into a flat plateau of limestone rock, just a few meters above sea level. These centuries-old pans are filled with salt water from larger wells, and the salt is harvested by sweeping with a large broom, typically between May and September. Local man Emmanuel (‘Leli’) Cini tends to most of the pans, selling sea salt from a small stand and salt shop beside the pans. The area also features a small bay for swimmers and divers.

Natural Gozo - Salt Pans Marsalforn Malta

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Dwejra – Fungus Rock

Fungus Rock, also known as The General’s Rock, is a towering limestone islet rising 60 meters out of the sea at Dwejra. It was here that the Knights of The Order of St John discovered the Maltese Fungus, believed to have medicinal properties. Today, the rock is a nature reserve.

Natural Gozo - Fungus Rock

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Dwejra – The Former Azure Window

The Azure Window was once a natural limestone arch at Dwejra and one of Gozo’s most photographed landmarks. Although the arch collapsed into the sea in 2017, the site remains a popular dive location. The Azure Window featured in films such as “Clash Of The Titans” and “The Count Of Monte Cristo” as well as the HBO series “Game Of Thrones.”

Natural Gozo View Points Azures Window Before

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Dwejra – The Inland Sea

Adjacent to the Azure Window, the Inland Sea (Qawra Bay) is a small, shallow bay surrounded by boathouses. Divers can navigate through a narrow 55-meter-long tunnel to reach the open sea and explore the Dwejra coast, including Fungus Rock and the site of the Azure Window.

Natural Gozo Inland Sea Malta

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Dwejra – The Blue Hole

Visible from the site of the Azure Window, the Blue Hole is a natural rock formation about 10 meters wide and up to 26 meters deep. It features an underwater archway leading to the open sea, a large cave, drop-offs, boulder slopes, and a chimney. The crystal-clear waters are home to diverse marine life, making it a popular spot for divers.

The Blue Hole in Gozo Malta

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Ta’ Cenc Cliffs and Bird Reserve

Rising 140 meters above sea level, the Ta’ Cenc Cliffs are the highest point on Gozo. This important nature reserve is home to many bird species, including the Blue Rock Thrush, Cory’s Shearwaters, and Yelkouan Shearwaters. The area also features rare and endemic plants, as well as cultural and geological sites such as the Borg I-Imramma temples, Neolithic dolmen remains, and ancient cart ruts.
Natural Gozo -Ta Cenc Cliffs Bird Reserve

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Calypso’s Cave

Overlooking Ramla Bay, Calypso’s Cave is where, according to Homer’s Odyssey, the nymph Calypso held Odysseus prisoner for seven years. Although the cave itself is closed off, visitors can access a viewpoint offering stunning views of the golden-red sands of the bay.

Natural Gozo Calypsos Cave Malta

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Explore these captivating natural sites on Gozo for a truly unforgettable experience, whether you’re a diver, a history enthusiast, or simply a lover of breathtaking landscapes.

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